by L.yflt ag let Hull Housc, luttle children, gather about two isitor$ interý-, ested in the work 'tihe Mary Crane league does for the Mary. Crane Nursery school. -A cousin of the ztorld,f amot "Dionites" is on the lap'of Miss Kathr st Craveus.CRS star kinozkp for lier "News Thro#igha a W'Pta#i's Eyes." .11rs. Smillh Williain Storey of Kciltz,,rth. 11w .other guest at the Nursery SdaIool, is ammbrof t11w Mary Cran c' leag;ue t.whIich- is sponsoring a dessert' rdgstyle show. andbok review ait Shawnccïe Country club May 4, ot 1 oYclock. Proccedsîll i go ib jsethr flhe leaguje's activity for these childreon, ami ail of thcIr nursery se/ vol compam .ions. Outline Program for State ParIey of Women's Clùbs J'le forty-third annual -con- Thursday evening, May 5. As a hu- morist Mr. Newconib is 'unexcelled and he is a gifted impersonator. 'He' will hiave as bis subject "The Philoso- phv of Laughter." The music department, under the clsairmanship of Mrs. Adolph G. H-aff- .man, lias provided many treats ini Garden Cl.ub Dfr$Iiday The Kenilworith Home and Garden club will observe its fifteenth birthday anniversary with a special programn and musicale on Monday, May. 2, at the home of Mrs. -A. R. Peterson, 227 Raleiigh, road, Kenilworth. The meeting wýill, be held at the ýusual hour of 2:30. Mrs. Millard Gilmore wil review the book- "Along a Garden JPath,'" and there will be a group 'of Inumbers* by Mrs. Robert Burns, Jr., of Evanston, pianist. Wells: Club* Program The e#anston-:North Shore Wells College club; will hold its niext meet- ing Tiaesday, May 3, at ithe -home of Mrs* N. Landon Hoyt, Jr., 515 Sheri- dan road, Winnetka, with Mrs. Clyde O. Bedeli of Kenilworth and Mrs. Robert Beit of Highland Park as co- bostesses. Catharine Anthony's, re- cent biography, "Louisa May Alcott," will be read by Mrs. Carl Johnsen of Winnetka. I ~Tweflty-&Lxth t Hotel Sherman. The sessions "Star Spanigled Banner." open at 9 in the morning. The~ Lindblooni A Cappella choir, A very fine program hlas been plan- consisting of sixty higli school stu- ned for each day. Among the speak- dents, will sing. The WGN Male ers for Tuesday, May 3, will be Colo- quartet will present a group of songs. nel H.,Edmunid Bullis, whose subject Duets .wjll be given by Marjorie will be "A Mental Hygiene Message Elliott, contralto, and Della Cook to W\omen"; Dr. J. Raymond Schgtz Clark , soprano, both of Glencoe. Mrs. %vill'speak on "The Fine Art of Liv- Elliott lias cornposcd the songs. Paula ing," and Barclay Acheson, associate Schleuter, drampatic lyric soprano, will editôr of the' Rcader's Digest' also give a group of songs. will speak His subject will be an-- Mrs. 0. E. Robinson will direct the Frederlck Stock, MUSi4 Hans Lange, Associal Director POUR GALA CONCSRUS, Tues. Eme-Thurs. ive. Sat. MaL.-at. Eve. Northweisterfl Unlverslty Gymnaslum f2our. Jtyer Iv ac.Ce I;g Eou 8 eergisu ROUI Tel. Greenleaf 4100-D)avis 2888 or at Lyon & 3Healy'a-HB'ajitoÉ region. ior," will be ther ILet GORHAM, STERLING tang. ,r on 1 Centi