Carden Club So'ard The Garden Club of Illinois held its annùal spring meeting recently at the Palmer House, a session' of.'the,,board followed by the business, meeting and election in the afternoon. That election resulted., in representa- tien comhing to the north shore throughi new officers chosen, and continuing throuigh, those who remain %in office for another year. One of the highý spots of the afternoon was' the. state garden- club's.-dedication' of a, council ring in the Springfield. Memorial garden to Mrs. O. W. Dynes of Hinsdale in recogni- tion and. appreciation of ber splendid work as chairman of, the annual Chicago Flower show. Mrs. George Plamondon of Whea- ton, who had completed the unexpired term of the late president, Mrs. Wil- lard jaques, was elected to the presi- dency; Mrs. A. C. Weber of the Free- port Garden Club was elected first vice-president; Mrs. Waldo L. Gund- Iach of the Winnetka Weeders, third vice...resitfrnt andioubîicity and radio' sie bouquets; Mrs. J. iH. >cnniIigs qf thé joliet- Floral and Garden club, chairman of Garden Centers; Mrs. * Fred J. Mabry of the Glen Ellyn«Gar- deni club, chairman of the Speakers' bureau and lantern slides; Mrs. David. Mayer, Jr., of GlencoeQ, memüber of the North Shore Garden club,,garden allo- cator; Mrs. George S. Parker of the Winuetka Garden club, community flower shows;. Mrs. Raynuond Knotts, Rerwyn Garden club, -reelected editor Mathew Francis Photo Members of the Juniors of the Womaps Cal holic Club of Wilmiette will. bce models in the fashioit show which wiII be given with bridge and' dancing to compose the spripig frolic the junior cliibw(omiei are spopisoring Friday iiight of this 'ueck at the WVilinette Womian/s club. At the home of -the chair- ,nag, Mis Margaret Schager, 1040 Chestu ut avenue, several of the mnannzequins met recepitly to discuss their participation in the eveiit. Thê'y are, front left' to right, Patti Jilison, IEvelyn Elfert, and Virgintia McGiirk. The Patte Dress shop ipi Wi,:netka and thse Ic.lahoiiJ-Hat shop ini Wilmette are staging t1he fashion show. Thte Juntiors are bending every, effort to moke their spring parîy a great si iccets, sociâily as weIl as financially.. Win Prizes for' Essay Contesi About Pianos At a party given at Edith Ray Young's studio, 1133' Central ave- nue, Wilmette, last Wednesday, prizes were awarded for the best essays on the subject of the con-' struction of a modern piano. Miss Young also recently conducted an. educational tour of ber pupils and On WeMfore Board Lc IIboI1a çis 8 mi§e7, "1 Fifteen Days Apart Two june weddings, fifteen days apart, with each bride as the only attendant of the oither, are lanned jin Lthe-E hraim Banîiing faniiily,.'Botli weddings mill take lace,,ilithe chapel oôf the Wilnnetka Congregational church, and the receptions are to heheld at the Banning home, 855 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. Miss Emilie Banning and Haydn Joncs, son of Dr. and Mrs. Hlton Ira jones.of Wilmette, selected T hursday evening, June 2, f or their niarriage. Llewellyn Jones of Wil- mette wilI be his' brother's bcst naî. As the bridegroom is associated with. Dr. A. H. Compton at the University of Chicago, he and his bride, vilI live near the campus upon their re- turn from iheir, wedding trip. --Miis Thalia flanning's. marriag e to Laurence Irven Wood, son of Dr. Irven Brackett Wood of Greeley, Colo., is plannied for Friday evening, June 17. William McKittrick- of, Chicago is to be the best man. Mr. Wood and bis bride will motor to northern Wisconsin on their wedding' trip. 'lheir home will be on the north shore. Tbree showers have been given ini lionor of Miss Thalia Banning. Miss Betty Barr of Evanston, formerly of Winnetka, was hiostess Mgrch 28, at a ,bathroom shower, and tbree eve- nings later Miss Virginia Snorf and Miss Mary jean Lewis of Wilmette gave a personal shower at Miss Snorf's home. A pantry sbower was given Monday evening last week by Miss Sally Pratt of 382' Ridge ave- nue, Winniietka, the guests being De- P;iuw girls home for the spring. va- cation. Miss Pràtt formerly was Miss Banning's roommate: at thlat uni- versity., and lantérn slides; Mrs. Thomas G. Cassady of Lake Forest, commnwity flower shows. rof the thirty- comprise the two niontns Mazanec joir for a vi WlLlMýETTE ago d ber LF E ,