*oXSNO? cAmus ILISRA3T stàU.U*WY le *ogrowed l.vftomIsu er A...umUUI w» lb veop sued W se ev Cads Teor? 4 1 724 Orilng*oà ogise Hotet SIdl. Avenue02 VenetianBlindsr BeautdiwUy OLBANBD * uently r eferred to as one of Ameri- a's, foremost living poets, bas written ,,usounid *track,' or runing. comi'ti-- tary in book formi in, free verse. OQn eacb alternate page of the, sttory. en- itled Land. of the Pree, is a picture, and ac-companying the.picture a line or few lines of verse. The Photos. the work of varions in- lividuals or svnidicates. are ini turn striking, beautiful,~ or, depressing. Pre- :cding and. following breatlh-taking' glimpses Mo' America's: forest and- moun- ain verdure are scenes -of ber squalor, her spoilation, and, the pitiful fiotsam ad jetsamn that lives amid these sur- roundings.: The title of th e book. -Land of the, Pree-is satiric, for the tiienie of the wrhole Étudy is: -Amierica and liberty, wrhere bave (bey bro!iglit usin tbree. generations?* The wonder ani ddepaii sbowig in the faces of tihee se iIel nake us stop and think. It bas taken only tregei'eratiolis to pollute the streams, kili off the gaine and fisb, cut down the forests witb eésultant floode, and dig uip the ro1liiig prairies wbich, without their turf, hrought drought and dust stormis. 'Mit- ions of acres of land bave been lost by erosion. Cattie bave starved, peiplc bee detitute. building~s, farans and W. B. HarrIs Photo Archibald MacLeish of Ne w York,,Pulitzer prise p oet and son of Mrs. Andrezu MacLeislio Glenlcoe, luis written the Poetry for a tnw American f>ictare-book," a9sttild -Land of the Free." L414ffti- Iy iii ust rated by photography, it is published by H-arcourt, Brace and compwlay. Trace Navigjation From D ugjouts to Big Liners G. Gibbard Jackson's The -Boo'k of lh. ÇLhb AnnletinCintirvl is nrae- intelligenlce ana acowlcunr, 1 '>c:lt judgment and far-sigbted planning. Loir Brophy's néw book, Men Msist W'ork (Appleton-Century.),recognlizes these-changes and presents a modern, realistic view of this problem of today and tomorrow. Tt tells you. how to write a letter of apptlication., wbat to say ini an inter - view, bow to get aîong, in an office. Bt Mrs. Bropby, teaches .pri.marily., 1 e strategy of success,. in hicb these tac- tics- are ouly small, tbougb inîpwtant manieuvers. :She -shows how the, aibi- tious man must plan bis wholc career, as a general, plans bis strategy for a whole war. She stresses the fact. that the second job is the realîy important one-the first job haVing been only a means of looking over !the fiel d, ýa sort of reconnoitering. She tells- you' bow to, pick out the vocational field in wih you' c:n make the niost of your talents, bow to mecet prospective etrployers on even ternis, how to spake the most -of every job for self-development and progress. She points out the errors and defects througb whicb jobs and opporrunities are Iost, outlines tbe qualities necessary in an, executive and gives an eqpecially heartening estimate of the valueï and possibilities of the man of middl-e age, Mrs. Brophv is one of the leading cx- thesam tbugh hibi Iat botsThetodyon the saivaging of cargces wt FoU ofl the City, and came ta alnîost sunen hes n h salvage ships that radical conclusions. conduct thse operations, and accounts of ________ -"Unluclcy Shim" 'Somne Mysteries of the Sea,'ý" "oe Famous Wrck.s,'" Muir's Annivoesary "Sonse Strange Ships," and other anec- On .Aprl2 was cçlebra ted the d1otes and stories. ~A.Ao f the birth , I addition, there are: brief stories"of ters froin readers as far awiay as Cal- cutta. Tbere is e Foreword by Edgar Kobak, vice-president of Lord! and Thomas Advertising, and past presi- dent of tbe AdvertisingFederation of Amnerica. Novel on Brahmin 11if. Is Cause for Proftts, D. [H. Southgate's nove! of life i s, King Altoflso, other fanious Men. )et, F. Yeats ,J. B. S. Hal- eneral Franico, y L.ei WiL ~14 IPHONE GREU1LEAF 70 Fureiure Dept. Todoy for Yen, miUsTUd 1edited g Point