Wilmette owners praise SRVEL ELETROL UX,>Economy- Silence. MORE EFFICIENT.. 'MORE EOOIA Says William C. Wiegan4aPf 210 GoTrra ce, Wilisett S~ **~ "Iam cenuainy glad that 1 have changed to"gs te- frigeration, because 1 flot only find it -more efficient .....~...but more economical. Purtheranore we appreciate its S..( . with which it produces pIenty of ice cubes." M. ga#aua*wtim hwuet 2 oai, rer. , i .k thYne e ratcU PUBLIC SIRRoutYlCfel GMn of erv , 40ux onr1pIIe utliWO'5raiofe APRIL 28. 1938 ....ab ffgrtin anb i Yuthoe