j«"» EA BPECUITY EVENT DAY r$ 5ERTE- g.uiwl.b amiC.E.e Unies ---'a IVANSTON FESTIVAL NORTH WESTERN UNI VERSITY GYMNASIUM Fouit CQHCERTS and th eweek le n Wihnette is taking an active part i the essay and poster contests. Mr.f O'Connell stat es that lie has received i 'lèd et WIL .METTE ILLINOIS. IITel and sent to the Chicago boardi of i awards twenty-four poster designs - received from pupils of the grade and parochiâl,,schools, the latter sending in by far the larger number. JEssays being restricted to high schools, stu- dents of Mallinckrodt, the only high school in the village, submnitted thirty essays in the competition. It is under- stood that the awards will be made in advance of Air Mail week. Among thie posters,. especially, there were several exceptionaly fine renderings of original ideas. Devits.Cachet 1-Th e accompanying illustration shows an exclusive cachet to be usedj on ail air mail sent out fromn the Wilmette post office during Air Mail, iweek., It shows the, dome of Baha'i temnple in Wilmette, With a mail plane above., The design is strictly original, and was, created by local talent. The Federal Postal departrnent has prepared a special air mail stamüp which will be placed on sale on the first day of the national commemora cago are also planning to mfakée large miailings from this point. Mr. O'Connell urgently invites* ail civic. fraternal,' religious ýand com - mercial groups iin the village to lend a hanci in placing the Wilmette post ffice in the frst rank of celebrants of the 2th anniversary of air mail ~service.j BETTER IM The following ,comment s on pic- tures -howing at local theaters are furnished by the North Shore' Better Films council., May 6, 7- Theý Big Broadcast of 1938.. Aduits and young adults. May 8-0-A, Yank at Oxford, Family; The Baroness and the But- ler, Adult. Teatro del Lago May 6-9-Rebecca of Sunnybrook half of Tenth Street between Sher- idan road and Chestnut avenue, were designated as arterial highways. It was explaiiied that this designa- tion does not give the village any lèss control. over these routes,. nor w*ill they bée truck lines or >h-eavy traffic duty streets.. but: the *village will be allowed, to use' its' share of the Illinois motor. fuel ýtax, for. re- paving. Funds for this purLQose, it was, announced, are now deposited. to the credit of the, village in the, staïte treasury at Springfield. Let Contrac t for» New <Tra ffic ,Lights on Two . Busy',Knlworth Roads Contract -for the installation of traf- fic control signal lights at two bus Y Kenilworth intersections. was award- 'ed Monday evening to the Street Lighting Service company on tbeir bid of $5,432.01. The equipnIent bas already been purchased an~d both c osts will be' borne from the village's share of the Illinois motor fuel tax, funds' now on deposit to the credit of. the village in the state treasury. -The control lights will be erected at the intersections of Sheridan road an-d Kenilworth avenue and of Ken- ilworth avenue, Green Bay road, and Park< drive. At the latter corner they will be of the traffic actuated type, while on Sheridan road, the lights, to replace those now in use, will be actuated by Kenilworth avenue trafflc only and will show green for Sheridan road except when a vehicle on the cross thoroughfare is. to enter the high- way. The-Ïinstallation is to begini within about 30 days and will be comnpleted within the next three mnonths. School Heads to Attend nolqMa>u Georgtau Rotel .1%. GClenleaf 4100-Davis 2888 or at Lyon & Healys Land Marshall ud& Co.-EvaRlBton litIe voex. TAYLOVS 118 Wilimette Ave. Wiliutte 1914 Across from Village Hall 1-., veneanlJ-a anK m. nJan 912 Twelfth street, retti*rned h Saturday from a week's trip. went to St. Louis for a Missis and Tennessee river trip on Golden Eagle. I