hoIgOur 10111 y.u in Eon and okbrofing hMr- S Sidr'5 00'Y*mr in the 14.gn Futnishinq Dusinm. Our AUM:»M&ry VgaUuSwlflbe we- memberel by 11 who take advantage of @ir sale goda .Reeubr quoilty frat baS beenl our standard ANNIVERSAR Slp: Cover Fine prlnt ed material. Do. crash, al fine heavy <cStoanes. No value under $1 a. yard a.nd many $1.25 and $1.10 'm&terlalfl. Also 6 differelit cojorings ln plain, matetiaig. AUl 50 luches wlde. AUl 811P covOWs are mad w1th (our mreuter htgh clm workuuihp-, Frit guaranteed. . . eut In your own home to fit your own furniture. DAVINPORT %%#M 3 cushiS% al.flwiogj 12 yards of 504«.h maerial. Iochadlng al moterial ad wa.k.g.$ $21 t. $24 1 valu... . . . . . . e:.. I .4 Staff Photo. Between 250 and 300 men:fro,: the Skokie CCC camp started a week uago ois the pro ject of ideping what is knwwn asç the Skokie river frorna point a feu' hundred yards me of its inc.4ion with the mniddle fark of. the' nîorth branci of, the 'Chicago river, ta, a point prevîisywdedashr distance cast of Skokic boulevard. Th'is will remove the -half-nîile botie- neci which bas existed since the launch- ing of the Skokie lagoons project. Iýe- gotiations for right-of-way over this, half.mile strip have 'been conipleted. most of the way, it is announced. mrak- ing the river widening operation pos- sible. The width of the stream 15s to bc changed f rom the present eight feet to 44 feet. at the bottoni of the channel, the saine as in the rest othe stream f rom Willow road jBOY. SCOUTS COURT 0F HONOR Carl Hannen, chairman of the Scout committee of Wilmette Post No. 46 American Legion, headed by, James McCue as chief officer of the court, is arranging for a court of honor for the Wilmette Scouts under the auspices. of the Post. four gamie count in thr vor. In a wild affair at Niles 'Center on Friday, the Triermen out- scrambled their oppcinents, Il to 8, though the~ teamS were even on bits. Saturçlay, an entirely differerit style of bail was played, against Proviso, Bob Davis hurling a masterful game, only to be nipped in the I2th inning. Two runs scored then, breaking a 3-3 deadlock whicb had been estab- lished since the. seventb frame. Oak Park succumbed,' 5 to 2. on, onaand Loyola Iprovidedlitte. opposition Tuesday afternoon-9 to 3 beinigthe final count. Clyde Grater, .mentor, wvas visiblv pleasedý by the manner in which, the batting has perked ùp. He was in- clined to give cëhief credit to Jim Dewey' and. Jack Davis for a lion's share, of the, bit-production durinig the quartet of contest.s.. These two. shared equally 14 'safeties in that, period-well ove r a third of total made by the entire team. Against Oak~ Park, the "Dewey and Davis" combination proved most deadly. Jack' follows Jim in the batting order. Three times in, a row Jim singled and three times Jac k sent himi scatnpering homne. with triples. Incidentally,- thev bothus fthe saine bat! 5eyv.. Hite Jack pitched handily that game, also, allowing tw o runs on seven bits. Second to Dewey in the season, 1 averages as 'far as will-work is con- Soleetimmu Mudse .Macdle nOur Store I4.tedIuI-#0 Match For Draperi. $10 .,à d $ 2 5 alu .. 0 C Éh SOI3EL S: nie Commander McCue will conduct the Pl efbsfti andb h cout o boorasistd b NaalProviso performance of Bob Davis -IReserve Lieutenant Carl A,. Peterson on the mound, however, Only five 7and Wlet' Red Cross Legion- lii air. CarkLea hbey will be as-i bingles were cbalked against him ini I~sse Lgonaires OlarkLeaG. ail those, 12 long innings, and that is IDailv. Earl WV. Moore, Edward W.pihuginaycrit ILindstrum WXilliam J. Benner, and Postmaster 'Herbert. L. O'Connel A eneG rg No Aveue GarW aeNouw umO Ir*ay 1, National E the Grand Court at Camp llaco- inti summer. Hector Doddls iairan o theWilmtteScout (2,.2t7ées tnrilr ver the manaz ent ludea/1 Mrs. L. E~. Penber ~~W WDick, motored hotu B gt t r F l w e r s . - R a s o n b l eb e rth y h a d b e e n c 10Sb.tidma Roed N as.ia'. W-mett. 67 the death of a frig ~ ~ ~awy for five days. weire