AI the L rjce-flow PILLOWS.. i GoeDown. covering. $6 value..... U.Lne n finii shed $ 3.95 !ACH Studio Couch in chokce Opens b aà fullti se comfortable b.ed or $1,7 .95 BRAIICII'S SLUMIER SHOP UNI. 2820 1506 SHIERMAN AV£., EVANSTON The panel discussion, which bas ini the last- -few years becoine 80 popllar a niethod for the presentatiofi of debat- able questions, bas itsuse in training for citizensbip. This method is superior to the debate1 as a meanl s of presentiflg fairly both sides of Public 'issu~ In the first place, it is beter .athe to using an entire class than iste debate form,. [n the second place, it does ilot cali for a decision. Hence, both sides. of the question are presénted flot' with the idea of proving a point or winning a decision,,'but with the idea of giving fair consideratiofi to Tail sides of- the problei., There ils nô temptation to gloss over damaging, evi- dence, or to conceal or distort infrma- tion to prov .onys oint. Quest ions are asked and points, made, clear, and gen- eral discussion develops .-easily. In fact, e believe that this. method, does niuch to. stimulate critical and construlctive thinking which is so essetitial a quality. for, citizenship in a, demoçracy. lnterschool Panel This. method was first tried ihini) the class. then b)etcea classes ini the sanie su'bject, and then between s-choOI3. An interschiool panel presente i the question as fairly as betwveen classes or within a class. It bas an added advan- tage of establishing a friendly attitude betwveen students ini different schools. One such discussion thât we con- sider successful was held between High - the -New Trier Iligf schooi student council is arrangiflg details of an ail- school hobby show tô be helc iniithe school's. stage gymnasiumi, '1'\esday afternoon and evening, May 17. Jayne Kassner, and Ruthi Clark, co-chairmefi of the conmîttee, pre-« dicted 'this event to,'be. the most successfui of its kind yet attenipted. Assisting themn are Dick Wagner, and Barbara O'Grady who. head the comn- mnittees which: are to publicize the.ex- hibit in advisor rooms. Members. of theïr commnittee follows: Girls: Alice Jean. Heinson., Ruth, Clark,, Beverly Glenn, Rose Stoetzel, Elaine Chittick, jane Rfecords, Patty Harshaw,*Carol Johnson,.Jean Miller, Jayn Kassnler,, Margaret Stcet .zel. Group of Boy"' Boys: Bill Normoyle, Scott Greeti- away, Andy Kuby, Marshall Reaga., Normian Deno,,Bob Spiegelhauer,. Bill Roberts, Ed Greenhalgh, Charl 1es Willis, 'George Yetter, Les. Borre, Johin Seddon, Bob Steinhoif,' Justus Chancellor, Hlarry Seifert, Bol) Leiss. These undergraduates Nwerc tc, ha- dle the speeches in advisor roonis on Mlonday, Wýednesday, and Friday of this week, while. regular student council members to have. charge. of pledge cards. Prizes will be awarded for out- standing exhibits. A special con- nittee mill judge. Entry in the e' hibit is open to ail residents of th.e The National Evanston Garage 1725 SHERMAN AVENUE, EVANSTON The discüion iw as held at' NVN« Trier, XVe also furnishied a student chairman. It %vas g iven before aitl of a the Ainerican history students and tLhe miodern historv students. The represe.1- taLives of the school had been clioseni throughi interclass panel discussions. One year when the Cnitedà States history classes reachied that part of his- tory dealing with the formation of ourý constitution and the foundations of our govertiment. there wvas current wide-' snrea1 feelinz and much dilïerence ofi a rre st ed the past fort n ight for traftic voaio ,especially speeding andl runnîng" through stop signs, it wvas revealed on Tuesday by the Ken- ilwerth police.The cases, have been, heard by -,Police M agis!rate George . Rotiiermiel at e regular NMonday evening, sessions ot lus court. were di s cour qustiontba pro and con as t ecourt should ho regardlng the c were only a fewi s of upper publie panc- Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp. who, ývant to e thel dcl have been spending a recent vacatiOn s, ani argu- with the George B. Drdens of Ev- whettir the anston at their Oak, Lodge plantation efinal jurIs- i North Caroina. have returned to istituttonallty tue 'angles" theirhome in Kenilworth. el .1