Brahms took five years to write. The first sketches of' the Requiem were made in 1861 and the first hear- ing was given it in December 1867 ini Vienna after wbich tbhe composer made some change s. TI e completed work, as it is now to b heard, was first played by Carl iýinecke ini Leipzýig iii'1869. *The Ger*iagn Requiem is. îlot a requiem ini the liturgical sense of a miass for 'the dead such as those of Palestrinia, 'Mozart, Cherubini or Verdi. It stands enitirely apart from the, Roman Catbolic Requiem, it offers up no.prayer forthe dead, and wvas taken' from the Bible and the Apocrypha. It is genie rally believed that the w~ork was written, in memory of the compopser's mother but ma ny think that the tragic death of Btrabnî's friend Robert. Schumann also.conitril)tltedto the production of, the vork. * The soloists appearing ini thé pro- * duction of the Requiem are Agiies D)avis, Richard Crooks, and Juliusi Pluehin. Following the Requiem, whicli wiII occupy qinly the first lhaif of. the. Thursday evening programi, .Mr. Crooks sings "If Tbou be Near," by Bach, and L-oiengrini's Narrative, by Wagner. Nfiss Davis and Mr, Crooks siîig the duet from L1olhen- grîti. -an(l Mr. HuItehu will sing Wotan's Farewell froin Die Walkiire. reacneu tnew cîigntenin LLbutIust. flot have passed their thirtieth birtb- day onl the date of the close of re- ceipt of applications. These age limlits williot be waived ini any case. Full' information mnay be obta.ined f rom the secretary of the U. S. Civilý Service Board.-of Examiners, at tbe local post office. HOME PROM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King of 792 Glencoie r. oad, Glencne, came borne Saturday from! New Orleanls after a stay of about four',months. They. spent most of their time with their sonl, John, and bis, famâily, who, for- mnerly lived in Wilmette. lu Our 0wn 100% Cold Storageé VAULTI Our facities for Pur Clemning and Storage are the. moit eIicieiût. Our reputation ne furri.. Les been the, bout for the laut 32 in Evanston. HAVE YOUR FUR COAIT.RBSTYLED. NOW AT- O'R, SPECIAL LOW SUMMER PReCgS. Roinski Ihic. Furriers 815 Chicago Ave.8evamunlsto, Urni. 3722 _________Adacent te Corouet Thtre____________ il il L A9<Y~VLE~sE 11h I I Christian Science Churches "iý,\,erIastinig Punishment" was the * subjeet of, the lesson-sernuojn in al Cliurclies of Christ, Scientist, on Sun- Na, av 1. Tegolden text was "Have I any .pleasure at ail that the wicked should Aie?. saith the Lord God:- and not that lie should returii from bIis Nvays, and( li%,e?" (Ezek. 18:23). Among the citations which comi- prised the lesson-sermion was the following from the 13ible: "Now, no 11529 a spectî proi service. Thes excel in a cal place in, the1 i astr year.. GLENCOE 150 555 Umoole Ave. Wla.. 19 -LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH AND CARRY AT OUR STORIS y WI . 320