GET SAFE114W coow¶aJ-it Put new G-3 Al.Woathers on your car now - and forget tire troubles. Creaier Saey -theCoodycar center- traction tread stops yoii quickest. Supertwist Cord i every ply assures you maximum bloaoeut protection. And, you get 43% more non-skid nileage! With G-3 Mll Weathers, you'Il Le sure of happy motoring! GOODYEAR SPE EDWAY- R-1 A" ahusky Gon4Yff. P»Okeul thGooyer ufly umwtee& nt a quiy tentures. yet prIÇicc iat uarepasy selle at idIy in<Ihfl0n t h e Au louai *40 Aslow aà $585 WAIM Roitmdipig out;*his tzicenty-fifth sea sonir i the Metropolitan OP- era compaùy, Giovanini -Martineli ('ab)oîve), lias ýestablished a record uiieqiialled in Aehericaet operatic history, Celcbrating his jubilec year t/us great' teptor zvill cone to Ev- aniston to ap/'ear init/h te> itty- s.î-xth Muisic Festival on the ee ning of Sattirday,, Mai. 211 iù? Norili1- w~estern un iversity gyrnniiasillii. During 'bis forthcoming appearance in Evanston with the 'Music Festival the great tenor will be heard three tîmes at least. He is, scheduled to sing the aria, "Celeste Aida," f rom V'erdi's "Aida"; a duet with Helen Jepson. "Il se fait tard, adieu !" from "Faust," by Gounod, and a trio with 'Miss Jepson and Julius Huehn, "Alerte, Alerte," also f rom Faust. Mallinckýodt News. Cat/îolic High Scliool for Girls in 11 1i,îe tic. eighth graders of Catholic girls' schools are invited to M.%allinckrodt to compete for scholarships Saturday, '14Y 7. at 1 p. m. The freshrnen will act as hostesses for. the occasion. An entertainmient committee wiil provide a social hour after the examinations. A four vear. three,, two, and one' - year scholarships willbe awarded to and na, C meLw4I L L I VItcI w%,ere the speak- WIWUAMS SERVICE STATION I 1837 WIl..ffl 'Avemu nine years. sbect ai Church of MIr. and M,\rs. Harrv W. 'Mons, 157 mette Sund Woodstock avenue, Ke'nilworth, have o'clock, he' returned froni a three weeks' trip to Central av( Bermuda, venes at ý9 Froin Foreign Lands Among the delegates and friends attending-froma distance were Misb Lydia Zamienhof of Poland,.daughter of the inventor of Ithe 'universal. language. Esperanto, who 15 in Amer- ica on a lecture and teaching tour. and is h.etself a graduate of -the Uni-: %versity of WNIarsaw,,^ and, holds a mas--. ter's. degree of law: M1r. ,and Mrs. Sutherland Maxwell. of Montreal,.. Can.. parents of the wife of, the. Guardian .of the Baha'i Faith, Mm e. Pahiyeh Hakim, wife of Dr. Lotfullah Hakimi of Tihran, Iran, and, Ahmad Saniini, also of Tihrin, Iran, * Miss 'Agnes. Alexander of Honolulu and japan. Siegfried» Schopflocher, Ernest Harr ison of, Montreal, Mrs. Amelia Collins, of Los Angeles; Mark Tobey of Devonshire . Enigland, and 'Mrs. Loulie: Mathews, rec ently returned from a world tour ini the interest of teaching. Study Temple Structure On Tfrursday evening. a meeting de- voted to temple construction wa-s held at which Mountfort Mills, of Ne>%% 'York was.chairman, Allen McDaniel, temple enginee r, and John J. Earlev scuiptor and ôriginator of the archi- tectural quartz stone of wvhich the outer material of the temple is com- j posed, and who has the contract for the execution of the project, gave iluminating talks on the temple, its construction, history and significancé. Mr. Earley's talk was illustrated by sldes showing the beautiful castings in process of development in his plant in Roslyn, Va, Some 225 guests were invited f rom this vicinitN. Sessions of the convention con- tinued daily from Wednesdav morn- inwith morning. afteroonan eveiiing meetings. Hold MemorialService On Saturday evening'a - special mieeting was held by the bod%-of Baha'is in memory of the passit-g ini ,Haifa, Palestine, of M-,oneera Khan- uni, wife of 'Abdi'l-Balia and grand- miother of the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, and the passing on thie sanie dav of Nirs. Grace Ober o.f Beverl, Mass., and a delegate to the conven- tion. On Suiidav, 'May 12. Louis Greg- fice at school, o.cIocIc. i