dents at. Carleton college ini North- feld, Minn., have been selected for dancing roles in the 1938 Carleton May fete, entitled, "In the Lap of the Gods." to be presented in Northfield Saturd ay afternoon, May 21. The four are,Miss Dorothy Holway, daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hol- way; Miss Marliss Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. H. J. Smith; Miss Ellen, Torrey, daugliter1 of Mr.- and Mrs L. C. Torrey, and Miss,,Nancy Pickard, .dgughter .of Mr. and. Mrs. Glen . Pickard. Miss Pickard, freshman, partîci- *pates in i.her first Çarlet on fete.. Miss Smithand Miss Torrey, sophomores, participated in the 1937 fete, "ýMiracle of Shangti." Miss' Holway, junior, appeared in the> 1937 fete and also ini the "*Nutcracker Fantasy"ý of 1936.1 Edith Tidenian .Returns. Fro m- Caribbean Cruise Miss Edith Tideman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Tidenian, 1025 Linden avenue, returned recently fron a, Carilibean cruise and a trip to Florida. Among the ports which she visited were Haiti, Kingston, Jamnaica, and Havana, Cuba. At Miami Beach and Ft. Lauderdale, Fia., she was the guest of friends, and on the way home stopped in Lexington, Ky., to Last week-end Mr-. and. Mrs. Tide- setts Institute ofT echlQogy, anO Dartmoutth.. At Long Island,. N. Y.-, tliey were the guests of -Mr. and Mrs. William Wetteraui, andý at' Akron.- Objo, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin'Br.ouse. Thé return ,trip they made .by way of. Niagara Falls an d Canada. Burt Cirowes$ to Have, Guests'Prom Owosso 11r. and Mrs. Burt A.,:Crowe, .234 Raleigh road, Kenilworth,- are eX- pecting as 1their guests next Tuesday Mr. Crowe's sister, Miss. Addie Mae Crow, and Mrs. Crowe's sister, Mrs. Frederick Bryon Woodward, both of Owosso.. Mich. Mrs. Woodard is driving Miss Crowe here, and then ,viil remain for a fewv days, while Miss Crowe goes on foQr. a trip west. She wili be away for two months, travel- ing ini Texas, spending a month in Los Anigeles, and then will corne home by wav of Banfi, Lake Louise and the Caniadiani Rockies. NATURAL SOUND STAGE Palm Canyon, near Palm Springs, Calif., wbere most of the outdoor scenes of Paramount's 'Her Jungle Love" were filrned, is a perfect natur- ai sound stage, technicians report. annuaIly and are renewable for four yeans if a satisfactory record is main- OidsmobIIe,6 and S tained. T'hose who are intenested S4*..h should commuuicate with the dea n P874.: WU..bey nos of the college before May 8.1L mWaftll" -PENN H LL JUNlOOIFt SautitA. #ho d J aII alitti.r Wh.etDiale I FOR YOUNG, WOMEN. both "accred lted."ý Trausier vithout *xamlnstlOm te 3rd.75 l a Nrthweeterba, or other flv-tds colleeDoords" 1.14 et mhoio. muaise. Aité: Bemm 30.6, CStume DeSign. Wdïting, lgt. DeC. Sofetaral, PmDeseu Physloal Zd. Fireproof. Cm-. eting batha. Horeebaek rldig. tennis. winmmlns gd.ool.eniaf, .daueil4g. . ttwaetlsmý Socil 1fé..Part of' May at Oeeau Cty. Ate bt S hore; Aur. Ana. s.Kei.474K. <Jtalog and Veu-Fwes . 19. agil, LU)I., BOX EX, Cbml.rurg, Ps. WRITE foe BOOK LE? Y1AKONZE UNCANAD *REAL CAMPING AT DUKES. CAMP t. 4 Write W. L. Childs, 350 Winnetka planned, located, equipped, staffeda see titis .#cmp iust as IT you were uner- kor telephone Winnetka 2977 for a showing in youi SEST CAMP FOR BOYS IN AMERICA home of the movies of Owakonzcl, PLI -L