Place on May l6th Miss, Eleanor Welles Lippin- cott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Lippincott, .1132 AsMhland avenue, whose engage- ment to Chester Nelson Goltria, son of Dr.* and' Mrs. John Ne!-,. Son Golitra of, Evanston. was; announced the 'early part, of Ap rél, bas 'àlready 'completed plans for lher wedding. She and Mr. Goltra will be rnarried_ at 4:30'o'clock , Monday,. May 16,, in the> chapel of the 1First* Methodist Episco pal cburch of Evanston., Only members of tbe families, and a few friends will be >arnotg the wedding g uests,1 and followiing thé ceremony Mi. and* Mrs. ,ippincott wili bold a smhail reception at home. Mrs. lÉdgar Hill Latbamn, Jr., .of Palm ]Beach, Fla., a cousn, will be the bride's only attendant, and Sid- ney Goltra is coming f rom bis home ini Cincinnati to be his brother's best man. He will be accoempanied here bv Mrs. Goltra andi ber mother, Mrs. Dwigbt Hinckley. Following their wedding trip, Mr. Goltra andi bis bride plan to make their borne ini a garage apartment tbey have taken adjoiriing the Coun- try Club of Evanston. .ior MVr. andmIsLwranWiU.855.vruim day of this week Mr. and Mrs. De Witt Davis. of -Evanston entertained, at tennis at the Evanston Country club andi later served supper at their bomne. Mrs. Robent Cross -of Highlandl Park is givingý a linien sbower for the bride Friday afternoon of this week, and Sunday, May 8, Mr. andi Mrs. H all Lippincott of Evanston, brother and sister-in-law of the brideý will entertain at a cocktail party. Wedding Ceremony The marriage of Miss Jean Thackery, daugjiterof Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Winfield Thack- ery,,Jr., to Thomas .D. 'Hicks, son of Mr.. and Mrs.«lE. John Hicks of 241* Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, will take place -Sat- ùrday evening at 8:30 o',clockl. Mr.. and Mrs. .Thackery, moved Iast September from Winnetka to Bar.- rington,, and tbeir dAaugbter bas se- lected. the Barrington His. Country club as the place of ber wedding and the reception following it.- Dr.. Doug- las H. Corneil, pastor of the Glencoe Unioni churcb, will read the wedding service. Mr1s. Jobn. Marsball Ling of Ev- anston, is to 'be tbe matron of honor, and the list of bridesmgids includes Mrs. Samuel Mabon of Ottuniwa, Iowa, Mrs. Fichard Fencl, Miss Ruth Ktiép, and Mrs. Howard J. \Vhite, Jr., of Evanston, andi Miss 'Marion Bopp of Winnetka. Hunter Hicks is to be. his broth- er's best man, and, another brother,. John, will bc one of the ushers. Completing this list will be the bride's brotber, Tbomas W. Tbackery, III, E dward Cullen of Wilmette, Robert Terbune of Peoria, Lionel O'Keeffe of Boston, and Mr. Ling. The spinster cinner was given Sat-, TolifPhtoMrs. Mahorn gave a kitchen gadget Mrs. Dudley W. Steen, the former Bodil Varia>:, is spending a >mber sbower at the home of ber parents, of weeks iiCojiforiuso and Mexico oet her wedding trip. When s/se and Mr-. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faust, in Evans- Steen return they plait to moke: their homne in Wilmette. Forher icèddfing, ton, andi at the same time Mr. Hicèks wvhich took place in thre People's church in Chicago on 'Easter day, thse bride bad bis bachelor dinner at the Etige- wore a gow» of eggshell satin trsmmed zwith bands of lace insertion, aud a water Beach botel. Mr. and ,M\rs>. lace.veil w/ich tuas brought fromn Paris, and has been worn by other brides Thackery are baving tbe bridal din- in the fatnily. Mrs. Steen is the daug/ter of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett D., arfon ner and rehearsal this (Thursday) of 1021 Central avenue, and Mr. Steen is thre soit of Mr. and Mrs. George' evening at the club where tbe wed- T. Steen of 1441 Forest avenue.. ding is to take place. Earlier parties honoring Miss Tbackery included a tea given Wednesday of last week by Mrs. are postponing their wedding trip arc until fail. They wili niake their home andi in. Evanston. ma, to enfle, N. of Mrs. wortb. WILMETTE LIFE