Wlnneke Locale Which Au Loca Urged to Parley Are Ail north .shore members of the League of Womien Voters will have'an opportuinity thisý year to atteind ail sessions of the: annual state ,convention., whether or not.tliey go as dele- gates. Because of thii fact, and because their assistance as- hostesses will >be of reat aid to the committee in charige, Mrs. George P. Munns, presi- dent of' the Winnetka league, and Mrs. Matthew P. Gaffney. convention chairman, are. anxious for a good turnout of local members at the ses- sions. next Monday, Tues day and Wednesday.: "We are depending on you. to give an, enthusiastic. wecome to the delegates," Mrs. Munns and Mrs. Gaffney state in a note to miem- bers of the~ Winnetka league. "Please plan to corne yourself to the conven- tion sessions, escort our guests on their trips to Skokie, the Village Hall, and New Trier, join thern at their luncheonsand dinners. and in gerietal be ,the completely perfect hostess !" The note of invitation further urges the members to attend the o6pening luncheon at Community House,, the dininer that evening, Tuesday's lunch- eon and the banquet at Sai. Country club that night, when the speakers will present a discussion of democracy in Illinois. "And, of ,course," the note continues,. "corne to Indian Hill club Wednesclay to greet our gracious national president, .Miss Marguerite Wells," Children of members of the Chicago Intercollegiate Alumnae Association of Kappa Kappa Gamma will be mnodels in. the style show which will be an adjunct of the dessert benefit bridge part y at Shawvnee Country club on, Friday, May 6. Three of these youthf ni mannequins are. pictured here. From lef t to right they are Jae Ilattstaedt, George A.. Bray, Jr., and June Cook. Mrs. George Bollenbacher of Evanstoni is chairmant of the party, which is the major sfring pro ject of the association and proceeds front it aid the charities of theý Nationial associationi of Kappa Kappa Gamma, zvhich iiiclude the Hearthsto;ie funed;, the Rose McGill f uid, the Student Aid froid, ad the Kappa Kampshif's. Women Vote rs Parley Takes, Place in Winnet-ka Junior AuilieayH s Tenlh. Wlrthday Today. Tonight (Thursday): the annual business meeting of the junior aux- iliary of the Woman's Club of Wil- mette will be held, with the election of officers and the official celebration Manv w'omnei f rom Wilmette and the North 'Shore as well as from al over the state will attend the state convention of the Illinois League of Women Voters ini Winnetka May 9, 10, and Il. The programn promises meetings of unusual interest and al Wilmette League menibers are urged *Mrs. G. W. Banner as chairmtan of ways and mneans, and Mrs. Bollenbacher are cooperatin.q zmth Mrs. John Hattstaedt of Winnetka, president of teCi aaso- ciation in arranging the event. The kospitality chairman, Mrs. Lcszre>ceMcey arnd the ticket committee, the Mesdamtes, S. D. P Iin»,: Donald Cook, George Brasy, Morris B. Ashton, Ro*bertJ.L. Shehan, Arthur Jodgers, Stuart Bradley, MalcolmJen- nings and Harry N. Kerr, are busy making resertvatiots. for the party. Photos of Jane *attstaedt, George Bray, Jr., by Koehn e, *picture of June Cook by Lord's Studio. To Tell D. A. R. Eaely Hisfory Of Witmetieý The Skokie Vallev chapter of l1w D.A.R. wiIl meet for a luncheon and regular meeting Monday, May 9, at The Chimnneys, Winnetka. Mrs. j. K. Farley, Jr., will be the hostess. "Antoine Ouilmette and the Green Bay Trail" wiIl be the subject of a talk by Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelmn, an authority on the early history, of Northridge Notes Members and friends of 'Northridge club enjoyed a successful: afternoon. of bridge at the Indian Trait tea roomn on Monday of this week.. As has been the custom of several years , e home-baked cake was the prize at, each table. Other prizes, donated by members land local dealers were greatly appreciated and contributed much to the success, of the party. a short Iowing the business meeting the of the f ,an committee, headed by Miss an's Ci a Mary Lee, chairman, assisted flrst cal e,,, as n twasý week. Zone. past last they txerrnan artnh ber of years., Îrst professer, wi r. Miss Sterling t: eUniversity for a WILM*ETTE:LIFE