insta Il Officers at Lu ncheon on Monday Installation, of officers by its eigty-earold founder,: Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon, will mark. the start of the forty-si xth year of the National Council of jew-. ish Womeni, Chicagoseton *Monday, May 9, at the Standard club, 329 Plymouth court,. Chi-' cago. The installation, will be preceded by a twelve o'clock, luncheon. Mrs. Benjamin I. Morris, who.bas been elected to head the organization for the next two yea rs, bas a'long record of accomnplishment in the civic and cultural life Of Chicago. Shé bas served the Council in many capacities, particularly as chairman of its fund raisng projectand as its irsi: vice- president. Mrs. Morris will succeed Mrs. Harry J. M yersoil, wbo was re- cently elected to the National board of the National Council of Jewish *Women. In ber annual message Mrs. Myerson will touch the higb-lights and sum up the accomplishmeflts of her administration. Other officers who will be installed are: Mrs. Fred Bernstein, second vice&presidelt ; Mrs. Isadore Pilot, re- cordinz çecretàrv. and Mrs. Samuel Rurnmage Sale on May 19 and 20 May 19 and 20 are the dates chosen for. the. Spirin ge Rumn- mage sale of the.Woman's guild of the Wilmette, Pari sh Method- ist church. The entire, basemnent of the church :will be give.n over to the: varlous divisions., and mner.chandise of ail de scriptions will be shown. First division: Mrs. e.. B. Snyder,ý chairmnan, bas shoes,. gloves, and purses for men, women,,andý children. Second division: Mrs. J4mes G Badger, in. charge., will disptav kitclh- enware, dishes. and iniscellaneous articles. Third division: Mrs. A. H. Cochran, in. charge,, Will ýshoW bouse furnish- iflgs, draperies. curtainis, books and magazines. > ourth division: Mrs. R. WT: Hick- man, jr., ini charge, lbasxvornin's clothes, bats. Fifth division: Mrs. Albert Her- locker xiii have cbildren's clothling. toys and gamnes. Sixth division: Mrs. . P Collier will manage the mnen's departmnent.. Committees fromi every division are working each Tuesday froni 10 to 11, and are reacly to receive atitclýs: for sorting. Mrs. Horace Younig and( Mrs. 'C. Rollin Smnith. directors of thijs sale, xiii arrange to send for large articles if notified bv teWphfloiiv. Hrerbert J. ',napuin tllorJfiv Stepansky is a member of the Chi- cago Civic orchestra; Mr. Chani- pain has appeared in concert, opera, and radio, in this country and abroad. The National C ouncil of Jewish. Worneni wa s1 organized in Chicago -ini 1893 by Mrs. Solomnon, who bad head- ed the Jewish Womnen's group at the Parliament of Religions held in con- nection witb the World Columbiari exposition. The national organization ri uimh'ers .45,000 members wil1h DuBois-~The Drake Photo Miss Mary Ieanne Tansili, daighter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weells Tansili, 1601 Ten îh s:trcet, Wiliiiette, wore her mothcr's zocdding dress of ilvOry satini for lier mnarniage April 23, to I-Iarry Sommer Vested, son of Mr. amiu MIrs. Harry B. '1c'sted of Chica go. Rosecpoint lace and embroiderjv trimined te bodice of the gown, and pearis and rq.sepoint fornied..lte cap ïohich held lier tuile ï,cil. Mir. V'ested and his bride have gone to Bermud(I on their weddnltrip, ivld will be at home' in Ch icago after. Mai 15. Announce OfFiçers,.of Delta Gamma Alumnae Memibers of the niew board of the Jvast. nd North Shore Alumnae ssociation o eta Gmahl their first imeet-ing, for, the 1co7nungi,, var at the hiome of the niew 1)resi- dent, NIrs. William YN. Alderniani, 926 North -Michigan avenue, Evans- ton.. Tuesday, April 26. Mattr'o -f buiness, plans for fait, church May 25, then for P. E. 0. chapter in Winnetka May 27, and on june 12, she will recount the tale of those travels for the Pen and Pencil club -in the1 Medinah Athltetic club. areiv ÂVLA..- R. Herlock and Mrs. V gramn comir L, Mitchell Son. er- mis ymond Darby is gjving a ýower and tea t ber home tka Monday, May 9, for anor Lippincott, of, Wil- Dessert Bridge Miss Virginia Goodrich, 1228 Lake avenue, entertained twelve guests a, a dessert, bridge party at ber hlome last Saturday afternoon. WILMETTE LIFE