*The aiinual spring breakfast of. the Cllîcago Wellesley club will be hield Saturday, Mlay 7, at thé Lake Shore Athletic club) at 12 o'clock noon, foi- meinbcrs and guests. Nominées' for office are Mrs., Earl White, president'; Mfrs' El'.y*M.-Agroni, ,VÎCe-president; Mrs. Llewellyn Jones, treasurer. Mrs. Beutiiet Harvey,. chairman. of the * memnbcrshi coniittee. Election w"ill 'be held-Saturday. *A8k y ot4! St --or corne to ivaipapes. WOOD mDAVIS CO.&: "North Shore'@ Nwost Complote Paintere' sup#>ly Boume" 1565 SHERMAN* AVEU EVANSTON We Deliver Across fro m the Volencia UNI. 6852 Se. Our>Announcement on Page 55 Mrs. GeorgeP. Arits of Wilnete is chairmtan, of advertisingq for the M1av Parish Part y t be giveà as a bene fit for. St. Frapci. Xavier church JPriday- evening, May 20, aI Shawnhce Cotintryclub. Open Mite Boxes at May Meeting Girls' Ensemble to Sing for Program *of M.thodist Missionary Society *The W'onian's Missionarv so- cietîy of Wiliinette Parishi chutrcli vviI1 hoid its Mla3 .rnieitig and Atnlual Mite Box opening at the hoine of M.Nrs, B. F. lew\is, jr.,, 610 Washington avenue, *Ma3, 12. at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Roy S. Lundin wvill presidle, NIMrs. 'Dee Stoker and 'Mrs. Wallace Mitchell -ill have charge of the de- votional period, and Nfrs. W. J. Chapman and Mrs. B. L. Mitchell., mite box secretaries, will receiv e members and guests. who are urged to help with their presence as well as with their mite boxes. Mrs. George Spiegeibaur heads the social committee serving refresh- Attend Evanston's Famous Musie Festival May 171. 19, and. 21 A, TRIBUTE TO. MOT+~ER A SALUTE TO. HERHi s!-L qK&Nosl And'a delight to her for many weeks to corne. Exclusive et Stevens in Evanston W;ns Fllowship Again Paul T. Gilbert, Jr., of Kenilworttl, bas had the distinction of being awarded the' Wisconsin, Research EDGAR A. STEVENS, Inc. 1624 Ocrington., ýEvanston -. f j