Ruth nurtuoise, cramatic artist and graduate of the School of Speech at Noiithwestern university' ini a dra- matization of "My Antonia" by i- la Cather. *Tickets -'for the luncheon may bc obtained froni Mrs. Roberts or the foîllwing circle chairmen: Mrs. Frank: Huffmfian,.Mrs. A. L. Grinnill,, Mrsý. Horace CoyI, Mrs. E. . McIl raith, Mrs. Arthur l-oward,. Miss. Florence Butz, .Mrs. Fred Parry, atnd -Mrs. Irvin Adkins.I Meets Today The r egular monthly bus iness andý devotional meeting of the Womfan's society of the English' Luthieran church will be h eld Thursday of this week at the church. Mrs. H. J. Hopp is in charge of the missionary topic for the day. .Nr. and Mrs. *Howard F. John- soi], with their son, Wayne, and daughter, Marilyn, are now at home at 1516 Spencer avenue, former res- idence of the H., G. Basquins. The Johnsons moved last week from 215 W\ood court." They recently spent about a French Lick. HAIR STYLISTS Cigr1os Photo. Mliss MIarjorie Ruth Hurtubise, a gradruate of tIhe School ai Speech at' Northuesterit ufliversity, wiII prcse t a, draiiiatu,-atioit. of WiIla Cathcr's. ,,oîel, "M'jy Aiztontia," for the pro gram rof the annuttal.luncheon of the W'oman's puild of the Firit Congre gai iona) chiirch on Jriday, May 13, at the' Illinois Cou» trY club. --- Ai-fend ANNOUNCE THEý OPENIN'G 01 thei r.COUNTRY: SHOP. at 946,Linden>oAvenue, Hubbard,,Woôds: Our Staff Consisis oj MR, RICHARD MISS BELLE. MISS ELLEN Free Consultation by Mr. Paul on Wednesday by Mr. José on Satùrday P/hone, Winnetka "4080 for p pointmeni Evansfon's Famous Music Festival A nd that means real Iuck to you-who made a any department on the first floor of Stevensi Wednescdav, April 20! Youre entitled to a 10C The j udges were1 Mrs. Nellie A Hanna, Miss Barbara Baker,, Benjamii Marshall, Paul Stone, Eugeiie Voita and DuBois. Miss Ihybony represeflte St. Augustine's church. of Wilmiette where she teaches Sunday school. Sh is 19 years old and bas blonde hair an( blue eyeçs., Il I Thone EDGAR A.STEVENS, Imc. e1II b. another'Lucky Day in May - save your sales checks 1624 Orrington., Evanston