FIP V* OUR TREES NOW conserve. Iheir heultia & bemufy Phne fedoy XIPERT TRE NELS J JOHNsoNt> Es'anaton greableuf l1877 NO i-COM&MISSION, 41/2% INTEREST FURS? MORTG LOAt4S On Resideeitial Property of Ap- proved Construction, Design and Location Oth.r Loans et L.w Ref« I PROTECTING HAWTHORNS By J. F. Fonder cause the am atuin of the itt iel Soone the fatrmrins of spring wll appe (gaîls) whicli have >been get- ti'ng larger and larger on the red cedars in. Northi Shore gardens. These apples wilI soften and become 'gel- atinous, sending outlng stringy fingers, contain':ing myriads of spores of the cedar apple.rust. ý While.,this makes the red cedars unsiglitly it is more important that th e spores pro- duiced- will be'-blown ito beautiful hawthorns, which .they will infect with the damaging cedar applerust. Control l& Needed Unfortunately, red, cedars and haw- thorns ýcannot. live compatably. to-. gether, andit is'aiýl because of cedar apple rust, They, art alternate bosts for, this disease, one stage passing two years, on the red cedars, andS the otherl, one summer on the haw- thoru S. . ecause some people care more for hawthorns than' for re'd cedars while others do not wish to give up their. red cedars it is obvious that each one has a definite obliga- tion to do everything possible to bring cedar apple rust under contrôl. Favor lI.wthorne It is generally recognized event'ually one of these' alti hasts will1 have to We sacrificee the preponderance of opinion that nateý and. eeffl this is not possible the only alter- native is to spray the reci cedars to reduce as nmuch as possible their con- tinuied infection with the cedar apple rust. The owner of red cedars w;xhether' or not lie has hawthor ns also. omes it to ail of his neiglibors. within, a radius of at least one haif mnile to spray his. red cedars.1 SThe' owner of hawthorns wil spray these plants merely to: protec~t themn agai.nst infectionl and thus1 against the developmnent- of the orange lesions which will occur on the leaves and which niay bes0 numerous as to ca use a ,falling, of the leaves. Hlaw- thorns spray ed, properly a nd' in. ac- cordance 'Witli the correct schedule caîi be protected against infection. to the extent. of at, least 90. per cent. jEven where less control lias been, se- cured the, falling. of tlie leaves,. witli the resultant weakeninig of, the trees, bas been prevented. Imopotant Facts The fôllowing important' facts re- garding spraying should be ôbserved to secure best resUits: 1. Sulfur lias been proven to be the fungicide most effective for the con- trol of cedar appie rust. The product mosi. wldely approved la Linco Coi- lial Sulfur. 2. The hawthorns should be sprayed as soori as their leaves emerge from the buds. In most locations this lias oe- curred and the first spray s-houi.d Jbc applied now.. The sprayins should lie repeated at seven- to ten-day inter $21,,60Value The total valuation of improvements autliorized by the 31 building perinits issued in Wilmette, Kenilworth,. Wip- netka and (;lencoe during April, was $213,360, and.exceeded'the Mar .ch total by oniy $4,300. There. were only, eiglit residences buiit in April, comparedto 14 in Marzh. There was a sliglit increase in at~a tion jobs, but the one improveriett which placed the grand. total over Jiat of Mardi, was the new $40,000 M'om- aù's 'Library clùbbuilding in Glencoe. Wjbnýet.Leade Wiimette again ýled in tlie number oùf residences and total building valua- tions for .the month, where five new residences, costing $61,400 were start- ed., There were also six alteration jobs, $4,400, and six privàte garages, .,$1 ,300, a total of 17 permits, witli a valuation of $67, 100. Winnet1a was second, with two resiÎ- dences, $42,OO0; four alteration jobs, $17,100; one private garage, $360.A total of seven permits and $59,460. $40,000 Club Building The $40,000 club building and two alteration jobs in Glencoe brouglit the' total there to $47,800. Four permits were issued ini Kenil- wortb, one for a new residence cost- ing $35,000; two for. altération jobs, $2,6W, and one commercial building, $,0,a total of $39,000. ituted for them. This be no one sliou d knowin, red cedars in a lar ing thej tluV 111 izg me reI VU . rsU i ndscape vent the productioi which infect hawthi 4. Consuit your local * enlist bis -aid in c( fective spray progr Ilwrite t4ie editor for on thie ulnlersiIie Iiawthorns. Spray- now wiii niot pre- )n of the r~pores irns. t-ree surgeon and -ompieting an.ef ran.- If in doubt further details., -J F. Fonder. RATION JOB i.raize and a r C. C.,Snyder, Inc., home furnishers and interior decorators, 1743 Sher- mani avenue, Evanston, announced a double anniversary sale of furnishings throughout May, marking nine con- secutive. years of business. in R vanls- ton, at tlie Sherman avenue. address and ceiebrating Mr. Snyder's 50th year in the home furnishings busi- ness. Recalling his start as a clerk and errand boy 50 years *ago for a furnisher -at a -salary of $1.50 a we-ek, netça, uurnig the past week. The garage is being built by M. Couley. at 856 Oak street, at an estimated cost of $360. The permit for the resilence alteration job, at 1067 Qak street, was taken out by Frank A. Windes. Estimated cosý,tqoSthis work is $1,500. Aoroàa fr on I N.L ,ai 0227 TULIP