v.my Rch DIack L.am L édkit Wo ewn TOP Dr.uuin Whlchove.0 You Pr.for! BOT7LIEWLor.CANNED euhoe SEN ERIÇKSON wilmtt. 09 O'Sullhvan. This clean, entertaining college picture holds the intere,%t f rom start to Éinish'p>ortraying the adjust-. ments necessar.y when a popular y ung Americanigets ascbolarship at Oxford. The' work of Robert Taylor is highlyr praised. There are two things wbich are "of outstanclinig significance: irst, the, emergence 'of Taylor from the ",pretty 'boy" roles to an -actor of first rank; and second, the combinia- tion of. American and British talents to make. pictures, of international in- terest. brngiug -Up Baby.,(RKO-Radio.) Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, May Robson, Charlie Ruggles Walter C atl1e tt, Fr it z Peld, Asçta of the "Thin Man." This .... ise ssn ill e Shipped Alive tt.. houri, direct froni Bay.' lHors ye cal real fresh crahi aW a man, ivhen more in Une with ber "Stage Door" role than in one of ber heavier parts-. t seems that she's a rich heiress, out affer runs acrnss Mr. Buldog Drunmnind's R e vengse. (Paramoiint.) Cast: John Howard, John Barrymore, Louise Campbell, Reginald Denny. Once again John Howard is the ace member of tbe staff of Scotland Yard. This time he's seen in a mysterious chase tbrough the fog-laden streets of Lon- don with an international gang of crooks who bave stolen a box of hi gh explosives. John Barryrnore's ligt banter liglitens the suspense. For the first timie since she was' in "Dancing Lady," Joait Crawfoird appears as a chorus girl ini scenes frorn her latest picture, 'Mneqin"in which she is co-starred wvith Spencer Tracy. Fanny Brice, bit of the -performance Curtis. The sordidness of a tenement is the maid. It's got a couple of home contrasts with the glamour of squabble scenes that are hilarious. the modiste's salon, as Jessie Cassidy eau Orov* Wi...ftt.671 background until the proper trme. Best scene: Myrna getting plastered on champagne. 0f Humai, Hearta. (MGM.) Di- 1' 'CE»NumIC 6666 ldge Aveu Dlatee 3153 Evupatea Diamonds, watches and SILVERWARE II'! hil 'Y 0 S F, K U S S