The school is anxious to have as many varieties of interestizig hobbies as possible. Prizes will be. given for the different divisions such as art, science, and collections. The judges,'A.-B. VanDeusen, Miner T. Coburn, and Mrs. Frank Holland of. the- faculty, Dîck Frazer, Barbaira 'Hypes, Gordon Laughead, and Mason Ga ffney, stùidents. The purpose of éxhibiting the hob-. hies is to> show what other people- are digin the way of hobbies and per- haps, to interest those without hob- bies in one. they might enjoy. Those wisbing to enter a, hobby ,shoùld. notify Superintendent Mattlhew P. Gaffniey by 3-15 o'clock this Fri- day afternoon, of the type of hobby and the special materials which wil be needed such as table space, light-, ilng, all space,- etc.. The hobby should, be. brought tn the stage gymý by 5 'clock, Monday af ternoon. After the hobbies are set up, the gym wilî be ociied 'until 3:15 o'cloek afternoon, when the show openis. Thôugb there will be guards, the ex- hibitor is requested to be with bis exhibit during the show. Accompany- in'the echibit sbould be a short explanation of the hcbby. Coinmittee Members The members of the charter and contact committee of the student counicil, wbich is handlirig the hobby show, zare: Co-chairmen, Jayn Kass- The Rut>. John J. O'Mara is gen- or ai chairmtan of ý the onnual ýMay part y of St. Pràitcis Xaier >arish, whîch «dli bu held Friday uvening,; May 20, at the Shawitee Colntry cI#b, Lake and. Michigan avenues, "There wil be cards, danicing, and gamnes to. provide a fine evening's enter- tainmient for everyone," it was an- nouniced. "Indications 'Point that this will: be.,,one of the grandest parties the parisb bhas-arrangeèd." Jinmy Henschel's South Shore Country club orchestra will furnisb the musie foi the evenng. Tempjle Players to Hold A ninal Meetin~g in Glencoe May 18 The annual meeting of the Temple Players of Glencoe will be held at the temple, Wednesday evening, May 18, at 8:30 o'clock. Piepare now with a cool- crisp sunmmer wardrobe made, designed and fitted-by Luclen Leonma New MMt-Image Colognie $2.50 2%0tL, CoaL 430 Linden Wilmette 3240 lImpoTtei sl *tiSoap 17Cak. Bar $1,47 COLLY- Aifll Vuicflt, ad aIIJ tiy vanAsa students. The heads of. the various sub-coi- mittees are: Dick Wagner and Bar- bara O'Grady, publicity; Lucy Huck, arrangements ; Barbara Hypes, awards; Ed Greenhalgb, guards; and jim Olin, setting-up exhibits,. Mrs. wood av 'ncý onel m.i. -a playlet Ïin the mrarl- le by the Temple Player2. :ahn-Songs of toda.y ss Aaron will dance as-l >oris Bart4iolomew, accom- bette Boyell, reader. 39c LARGE 33e LAI VEX MOTH SPRAY Proteet your eIèthIig against motlu. Pints ..... . .. 79c Quas . .. .. ... ... 1.19 69. SQUIBMILK OF MAGNESUA »tiael4 - MUd Laxath'e "Ilt Tastes Better"