in HUNTUNG Now asi acessible the. mar- velous lake region of the wilderness of1<e-ayAdin f0,. 4aveling wind of voyageurs and Indians) holds a new tbrIll for sportsmen and lovers of the dceep solitude of the North- land. Trail's End Lodge, on beautiful Clearwater and Pipestone Lakes, 46 m iles northwest of International Falls and Fort Fronces ini the great Lake of the. Woods country, i..a focal point for unsurPassed .fishing in cryulal-cleor lakes stretching *mile upon mile. Lake +rouf in May from sp.rkling cold waters just freed from ice. Muskies ready to give battie. Large- and small-moùth black bas.. Wafleyes, plentiful anid huge. For a real thitil, kook a northern piko on a fly at.swnrise on famed Kairarskons. 1t is reporfed from Toronto, that muskellunge may b. takenJune I5th this year instead of JuIy 1 st. Wall- *yes. also. New York.-Seeing America need no longer take a matter of weeks 'or even' months. Today the, average Amùerican can, within bis vacation of two weeks, circle the entire western part of the country, visit the Garden of the* Gods -in Colorado, the Grand Canyon,-the new:Go&lden Gate bridge in San Francisco and. the rose city of Portland, then take a 'swing up into Canada to Vancouver, the Can- adian Rockies and Lake Louise as, an additional. fillip for the. journey. During:the -last two years. sucb tours have as a mnatter of, fact proved onte of tbe, greatest special train movements in the.history of domelstic travel, and as a resuit of their pop- ularity the American Express Travel service announces the third season., of itsbanner tours of the West and Canada., Thëse wil1 be condtUcted weekly, begiuning june 12 and con- tinung througb july and August. Designed to reagch the most ro- tnantic and awe-inspirlng regions of the West and to satisfy the growing taste for pre-arranged an>d carefree travel, these tours will start ini Chi- cago and St. Louis and mnay be join- ed at convenient points en route. The highlight of their schedule ini Colorado will be a visit to the Garden of the Gods, a district of great na- tural red sancistone formations, and a motor trip along the Cheyenne Mouitain drive, with a stop at tht new' Will Rogers memorial. ,After a visit to Santa Fe and to the Tesuque Indian pue1blo, with its ing a hight and a morning 01 re time in Los Angeles so that' every- one- miay folloirindividual tastes i night, life. and shopping. Among other places scbeduled> for visita in California. are Sanita Barbara, Del M onte, the -Big.Trees,, San Francisco and Carme! Mission, Wbeére Fatber *Junipero Serra, founder ýof the mis-' sions, lies. buried., Vigit t.. Vacoie Continuting along tbe. Pacific Coast the -tour will. lead to, Portland, famous for its roses and, its Columbia River bighway. Thé afternoon will be de- voted 'to alonig this fine road, which offers a panorama of - moun- tains, waterfalls and ýwooded country- side. Thet tour Will thein swing up to Canada for an afternoon in Van- couver, crossing the Great Divide the folwisig daIy. . The climaxc of the Canadian trip will bé a day in ltanff, in the heart of the Canadian Rockies, and a visit to Lake Louise, whose clear blue waters are fed by nearbli glaciers. Thence the wbeatlands of Canada will be crossed, the tour end.- ing once more in Chicago. VISIT DENISON Mrs. George Williams, 1137 Lake avenue, accompanied by Mrs. W. C. Matthews~ of. Evanston, motored to Denison college at Granville, Ohio, last week-end for .Mother's day. Mýrs. Williamns visited ber daughter, Elean- or, --a junior, and Mrs. Mattbews went to set ber dauighter, Gloria, who is a sophomore.. c 'A M P 'em Are you faced with the problem of placing your growing child ini a sum- mer camp? Are you having difllculty ini finding, exactly the type of camp best. suited to the temperament and needs of your child?. Shore parents are ~ finding the solu- ~ tion -to those vex- ing problems by taking advantage of the facilities of the f r et School and Camp bureau. mairitained by your .comMuty newsmagaziflt., Marjom Lew This news- magazine has retained the exclusive sevcsof Marjorie McLean Leary of Winnetka, recognized authority on schools. and camps. Her services are avai lable to cour readers wlthout cost or, any other obligation. Ail you need to do to obtain this free authoritative service is to arrange by telephone for an appointment with Mrs. Leary whù maintains ber offices at 12.32 Central avenue, Wilmette and 584 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, (phones Wilmettc 4300 and Winnetka 2000) wbich are the offices of Lloyd Hollister Inc.,, publishers of this nevis-magazlne. Mrs. Leary is flot attached to any one camp or school, nor affiliated with any enterprise interested in re- cruiting for any particular scbool -or camp. Her information is absolutely unbiased. It is offered to you free. Don't miss this opportunity if you have a camp placement problem! SPRINGTIME MECCA Springtime in Bermuda, means f1 o.w e r s and brilliantly-pluinaged birds. After Easter has passed by the calendar and the Easter visitors have departed from the coral isiands -tourists wbo enjoy the relaxation of a spring that keeps con sistently between temperatures. of, sixty to EMO, ONTARIO. CANADAI