~4 COORFULUTS..2 da.ys at Banf, 2 days at Lke Louse with viitt Emerald Lake. From $" Banfl,'iorField, aUlexpe»se9.from . 57J SWONDDFUBATS.. 2 da-v at Ban.ffand Lake Loizise, plus 1 day optional at'Banf or Lake Louise and 1. day at Emerald Lake. AU lex penses $7450 from I3aiilT, or Field, from. . .I Tour begia ai Banf Or Field andt include hotels, nicals, 126 miles of Alpine Motoring. Plus rail fare to i13.4 (or Field)~. Banff Springs Hotel open lne4 to SeptembIe 12, Chateau Lake Louise and Emeralci Lakce Chalet open lune 11 to September 12. ALuNI . .9-da, Frince; CruLe, $95 up. Special 11l-day' Prine.r.r Cru ier via Sitka, fromn $115. Froni Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle. meals, berth included exoept at Skagway'. Low round-trip rail fares to Pacifie Coast points, via fast Canadian Pacifie transcontinental trans... air-conditioned. is one abc people hav play. to be in1 Bob Dodds, Chuck Heston, Warren MXacKenzie, Jack Chronic, Bob Cleve- land, Mike 'Hili, Horton1 French, Phylis Burlinghamr, Mary Jane Her- bol, Janet Hearm,, Jim Wigglesworth. Sophoinore Jack Walker, John Starmer, Tur- ner Wilsoni Bruce Borregaard, John Rodger, ýErnest. Keller, Dick Kahn, Bill Steen' , Barbara Barton, Vera Ruth Lenny, Clara Lee McCaddan. Radio Class Planned for Suinmer Session A class in amateur radio, scheduled as Communications 11, will be' given in the summer term at New Trier High school. Thfe course covers both the theoretical and practical knowl- edge and skill required to pass the federal -radio amaeur license ex, amination. The course is open to sophomore, junior, and senior stu- dents of the high school, and to any others who, although out of school,. wish to take up this hobby. T. R. Smith of the high school staff will be the teacher. negative, composea of Bob 'sruhn and Cli.if Goodman, some time next week. The Prcwiso negative will meet the New Trier, affirmative, composed of Bob Gruhn and Dick Lehman at Nortbwestern university on Thurs- day or Friday. wn ôhdbtsi If New Trierwn ôhdbtst will, win the inter-state Big Twelve League titie. If, the téams split, New Trier will be tied; aend If she loses. two she will be in, second Place. B oth scbools have already been ýdefeated by New Trier. "The 1938 seasonbas been par- ticularly successful. Thie team bas won 'the ýLaý Porte tournament, in which the finest teamns in Illinois. and, Indiana participated; came insecond at2 the district meet ai Joliet; placed in the finals :at the state meet at Naperville; woný the Hammiond tournament with no defeats. In addi- tion several teams f rom the, vicinity have been beaten," it was stated. Graduation wllI take~ the four first string varsity debators: Bob Gruhn, Clijf Goodman, Bob Matthews, and Dick Lehman. Joe Graf, Marshall Regen, and Herbert Steinherger will also graduate this year. Wilcox Hodgkins, Pete Oliver, and Bill Drucker will constitute the nucleus. for next year's team. Lehman, Goodman, and Matthews. were recently honored by degree of distinction, th.e highest award of the National Fnrensic league. an organ- Forest Trwn and Tennis club, in River Forest on Saturday. New Trier High school's entries in singles were Dick Wade and Bob Greenberg; tWo doubles teams *ere also entered, Deacon and Daly, and Bryson and Leving. Both doubles teams were eliminated ini the semi- finals by two strong Oak Park teams which aualified for the state meet. GIVEN.SCHOLARSHIP Hubert O. Rydstrom, New Trier '37, bas been awarded a Rector scholarship to Cornell university., ILYE WatcIs for our Camp and Reort Issue May 26 clinic at the Navy pier on Tuesclay. On Thursday they were to go to Kenosha to go through the .Nash môtor plant. The trip was to be made on the North Shore electtic railroad. Bail Wilson Phioto- "Chuck" Stiliman, inember of the Nezo Trie r freshman-sophomorc basebali kamt, has his picture takeib jug ai ter lie tmakes a si»ap throiv d THS .WALL. 71 E Jucom Bouleiard. Fusai.WABcL 1904 WOULDIS ORIATEST TRAVEt SYSTEM 1 1