Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 May 1938, p. 44

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3. D. IloIoff Photo .The-homor f anational offic haw bes received byea Wsfetkaif, JIrs. Vision E. Sisson, who, at thse recesst Continental Congress in *Wauhington, D. C., was elected li- branian gesr.l of thse Daugisters of tise Americos Revolution for a. three-year terni. She is also a menber of thse executive commit- tee of the national organizatîoon. North Shore MembIers AidJunior WeIfare Alice J)onahue, 1907 iEIrwood ave- nue, Wilmette, is chairman of the committee in charge of the annua' luncheon of the Chicago Illinae club, wih " I be given Saturday, May 14, at the Normandy Houge restaurant, M0 North Tower avenue, Chicago.. Mrs. Paul à. Close, 564 Mecadow. road, Winnetka, . is a, member of the sanie committee. Following -the luncheon, which will begzin at 1-30, Miss Marion Gates,.di-ý rector of the women's division of the United. Air Lines, will give a lecture. illustrated ýwith a motion picture, and jack Knight, ace: pilot of, the' hue., wilM tel! some of bis. most'ý thrilling adrentu'res. After the prograni, annual reportc of officers and committee chairmer will be given, followed by the elèctior: of officers and board members. In* addition to Mrfs. Close, coni- nlittee memfbers ae:. Mrs. A. Paul Leistuer, 1508 Oak avenue, Evanston; Mtrs, WA. frocksoni, Carleton 'hote17- and Mrs. Elmer G. Staley, 706 North Kenilworth avenue, Oak Park; Mrs. ,Walter Armstrong, 7633 Greenview avenue, Mrs. Tom Morrow, 5330 Harper àvenue, and Dr. Faith Steph- an, 25 East Washington street, Chii- cago. VI ai Ir 0 li *one of the busiest of the Infant t Welaregropsis the junior Edge- P( water center. The memibers are pre- paring for their annual rummage sale. May 17 and 18, and at the sanie time are planning a benefit tea and play- reading june 6. The rummage sale will be ld at the same place as last ycar. 2128 North LaSalle street, Chicago, the afternoon of May 17, and ail the fol- Iowing day. Virginia Gazlay is chair- m~an of the sale and Mrs. 'R. 'C. Ble- Former wonien students of the Uni- ersity of Illinois and their friends re invited f0 attend. ,Reservations iay be made wif h Miss Donahue r the c-4)presidenit, Jessie Viehoif, 933 Greefileaf avenue, Chicago. The-Chicago Illinae club has a po- tential mnembership of 4,000. It ,sup- orts a loan fund for junior women tudents at the University of Illinois. f rom 10 0 lU±fonday, May >' ", through Friday, May 27. The sale will be larger tban ever this, year,, and .w'ill covér three floors in the clubhomse..- Entries represent ex,-, hibitors from aIl over the country, and will include. many new exhibitors as, well as ail of the form erý ones. Director of the exhibit and sale is- Mrs.' Jamtes Marshall Hobbs of Glen-. coe. Others assisting wvith the ar- r angements are Mrs. Robert Hart- man, president of the Rockford club;- MIrs. John Compton and Mrs.î Robert Nerer of Glencoe, and Mrs., jôhq Page :of Evanston.. Serve as, Judges, for Junior League Arts Tea .Judgesfor the -Evantônt tJunior Leaguc Arts tea held at Skokie Country club \\Vednesday, afternoon. were Miss Frances Badger of Ev- anstoni, fine arts; 'Mrs. 'Maurice Mandeville of Lake Bluff, Mrs. Bey- erly W~illiams of Glencoe, and Mrs. Harold Tidemian of Kenilworth, flower show. M.\rs. Robert Hovey displayed several ois done ini Florida this winter, and Nirs. Winthrop Rob- inson, two handmaâde tapestries. Sculp- ture was shown by 'Miss Ruth John-- son and .IMiss Barbara Barry. Therel were alIso paifitings by Miss Dorothea WVing. and M.\rs. Edward Tourtelot, J r. .1!rs. Edmond R. Richer of Wil- mette was e lected vice-presidentt of tlhe North Shore Alumnde associa- lion of Chi Opnega al a joint meet- ing of tu'o alimrnae groî<>s Tues-, day, M1ay 2.>ai tise Chapter houise in. Kenilworfh Infant Welfare Plans Benefit Witl, its objectives ever before it to give constant impetus to plans for the raising of funds, the Kenilworth center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago turns its attention tQ its next project, a dinner dance at the Villa Moderne Friday evening, May 20, at 7 o'cIock. .Nrs. John Law' of Wilmiette and Mrs. Earl. Burr of' Evanston are co- chairmeiî of the -event. The coni- niittee assisting them are Mrs. Ab- 'bott Brown of Evanston, Mrs. Peter Ridenour of Chicago, and Mrs. Cur- tis W\oolfolk of Evanston. At this early date reservations for- the commnittce in charge of the they arc: front rouf Dot Ar, Hart=s, Jr., Bob ChtamPioel, an ti, Ane Bermi. John Bermningha, Pt e4t to iright row~, IMarviPi the , past six yeai retiring, and plani ttnle in. traveling.. 'W!L MBTTE LIFE Work for Success of Jüunior Donce rho bas s( Omega hi Mrs. i ng to spei ,d as e for ýon is sinie

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