-dtyp~ -ai, siz., BaIl-Wi1Bon. Photoê Cu#bmaster Bob Towsley of Kenilworth ù show» surrOirnded by a few o! his yoouïtg friends. Seated are iChartes Rockcast le, Myron Watkin's, J:mtmy Unice, Mr. Townley, Or'ille Warwick, David Ro pcsiBhHnig Standing: 'Paul Schulse, III, Ronald Ravenhill, Clernens Storch, Jihly Roddick. Shore# and particularly the westernl ,raits, this-forecastproved to betrue., Most, shade and fruit trees and alsô suchornamentals as -the :Hawthorneî are literally alive with looping, hu-i- gry cankerwo rms. The spring canketworrn (paleacrita Yernata) also called loopers or niea- suring wormis, vary in color f rom yellowish-green to duil brown-black and when full grown in the latter part of May attain a length of one inch or 'a littie more. As the pests have only been active a short time and now are only about one quarter of aninc-h longz. the damage to plants ascendAthe trunks of trecs and oepo- sit eggs which hatch at about the tIle when lecaves begin to push out of the bud, wheii the young larvae also lm- nediately begini to ieed. There are various natural enemiets that prey upon the cankerwormis; these' enen-iea include both birds anid preda.- clous inisects. During the past three years, however,, the pests have becomie more nurlierous and now constitute a reaIl menace to our deciduous orna- Spring Cankerworml Serjoués Pest N ow Wor.kintg on Shore By Nels J. Johnon Trft Exprt About three weeks ago the State Fxperiftiental station at Urbana, Ill., warned tree owners that the canker- worms would becomne unusually nu- Amrow,<-his' se as on. For North CONTRACT NOW!' I SERVICE, Mo>re than 300 workmen are husy night and day putting the finishing touches on the exhibits wbich wilI fea- turc new ideas ini residential construc- tion, building -materials and home equlP- nient. More than 12,000 square feet Of the. available'space, in the buge building will be devoted to landscaping and gar- dening as, essential to home, beautiica- Two modei residences designed for tbe «,average famuly pScketbàôk" are being méeteil near the 'center Of the main exhibition hall. Facades of homnes wil include one of brick and wood construction that costq between $5,000 and $6,000, exclusive of the lot. Another, will feature face brick and stili another ,will .showv a new material, instone. Exhibitors' booths, wilI, give a glinipse of the- latest developments in building equipmnent, furnishing 'and decorative ideas for the 'home owner as well a-s the prospective bc>n$ebuilder. Educational exhibits will be main- tained by the Féderal Housing Ad- ministration, the Métropolitan Hous- ing Council of Chicago, the Chicago. Junior Association of Commerce and, Mayor Kelly's Keep Chicago Safe coi-,, mittee. The show will open at 10 a.m. Satur-, day, May 14, with a formai dedicatory. 1 ce a n a 2 mm. in which represen- TRA CKMA N *North Shore R ranch UdIager & Sons A».1 WgIImlfrUn.. 035-Wi1m.f t.641 BM* md TriM iCmpaRY F FIRST NATIONAL si oo 'L y 99,