Wilmette Life, 27 Nov 2008, B15 Dancers from Wilmette will perform in the Joffrey Ballet's production of "The Nutcracker" at Chicago's Auditorium Theatre Dec. 18-28 Photograph Madeleine Gazzolo, Alexandra Pullen, Greer Faber, Lane
Wilmette Life, 27 Nov 2008, B15 Dancers from Wilmette will perform in the Joffrey Ballet's production of "The …
Wilmette Life, 4 Dec 2008, B15 Area dancers will perform in the Joffrey Ballet's production of "The Nutcracker" Dec. 18-28 at the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University. Photograph Emilee Crabb of Evanston, Helen Gratchof Evan
Wilmette Life, 4 Dec 2008, B15 Area dancers will perform in the Joffrey Ballet's production of "The Nutcracker" …
Wilmette Life, 4 Dec 2008, B11 Lauren Vogelstein is a new Trier senior who dances the lead role of Clara for her third and final year with Ballet Entre Nous.
Wilmette Life, 4 Dec 2008, B11 Lauren Vogelstein is a new Trier senior who dances the lead role …
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 2007, B6 Photographs of young local dancers who performed with the Joffrey Ballet's "The Nutcracker". Photographs of Sisters Anna, Sofia and Julia Porta of Glencoe; Anne-Linnea MacLeod of Kenilworth; Olivia P
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Dec 2007, B6 Photographs of young local dancers who performed with the Joffrey Ballet's "The …
Wilmette Life, 2 Dec 2010, B1 Ballet Entre Nous presents its production of "The Nutcracker." directed by E. Marc Nevins. Area children and young pre-professional dancers performing are: Shira Brandhandler, Laura David, Greer Fabe
Wilmette Life, 2 Dec 2010, B1 Ballet Entre Nous presents its production of "The Nutcracker." directed by E. …
Wilmette Life, 2 Dec 2010, p. 55 Several north suburban young dancers are part of the 2010 Robert Joffrey's production of "The Nutcracker" Photograph of dancers Isabel Tannanbaum, 11, of Highland Park; Isabel Langas, 10, of Wilmette
Wilmette Life, 2 Dec 2010, p. 55 Several north suburban young dancers are part of the 2010 Robert Joffrey's …
Wilmette Life, 31 Jul 2008, D6 The Joffrey Ballet held its annual Spring Benefit ballet performance followed by a gala party on May 9. The event raised $1.3 million Photograph Patrick Ryan of Winnetka and Maureen Smith of Lake For
Wilmette Life, 31 Jul 2008, D6 The Joffrey Ballet held its annual Spring Benefit ballet performance followed by …
Wilmette Life, 30 Oct 2008, D9 Sponsored by teh Women's Board of the Joffrey Ballet, the Opening Party has a new format. On Saturday Nov. 8, families are invited to "Clara's Nutccracker Tea Party" in the State and Grand Ballrooms
Wilmette Life, 30 Oct 2008, D9 Sponsored by teh Women's Board of the Joffrey Ballet, the Opening Party …
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 2007, D4, D5 The Joffrey Ballet held its annual gala April 20. The event raised more than $1.1 million for the ballet. Photographs Michael and Audrey Rubenstein with Welz Kauffman, all of Highland Park; Pam Phill
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 May 2007, D4, D5 The Joffrey Ballet held its annual gala April 20. The event raised …
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