Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 2007, D4, D5 A festsive dinner preceded the opening night of the Joffrey Ballet's annual holiday production of "The Nutcracker" Dec. 12 at the Auditorium Theater. The dinner was a benefit for the ballet company a
Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Dec 2007, D4, D5 A festsive dinner preceded the opening night of the Joffrey Ballet's annual …
Wilmette Life, 12 Mar 2009, B11 The Women's Board of the Joffrey Ballet hosted its annual benefit at the Palmer House HIlton Feb. 20. The evening was attended by nearly 300 guests. Co-chairs were Renee Crown of Wilmette and Chicago
Wilmette Life, 12 Mar 2009, B11 The Women's Board of the Joffrey Ballet hosted its annual benefit at …
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