Wilmette Societies and Clubs

Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1914, p. 2
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A novel feature of this month's card party at the Woman's Club was the union of every two tables with a pirze for each union. The following ladies were the prize winners: Mrs. A. W. [damaged], Miss Julia S. Henry, Mrs. R. [damaged], Mrs. T. Knox, Mrs. S. E. [damaged].

The Camp Fire Girls [damaged] monthly ceremonial meeting Saturday noon on the beach. Fire wood gatherers, Margaret and Dorothy Rodman, Grace and Katherine [unclear] and Elizabeth Brown, received the wood gatherer's ring.

The North Shore Luncheon Club met yesterday with Mrs. Hugh Hartman at her home in Ravenswood.

The first meeting of the fourth division of the Ladies' Aid society of the Wilmette Methodist Church will be held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mary E. Springer, 707 Central avenue.

The Woman's Missionary and Aid Society of the Baptist church enjoyed a delightful treat on Monday afternoon, September 14, at the [damaged] Mrs. Rexford Bellamy [damaged] avenue, when Mrs. John C. [damaged] talked of her "Personal Experiences in China." About thirty ladies were present.

A misstatement was made in the issue of September 10, in regard to the name of the dancing club just recently re-organized with Dr. Frank Lower as president. It is to be known as the Ouilmette Dancing club.

Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 Elmwood avenue, will entertain the Thursday club at her home today.

The Central avenue circle met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frederick A. Smith, 729 Eighth street.

Mrs. Frank Lincoln Fowler will be hostess to the members of the Crescent circle on Tuesday afternoon, October 6, at her residence, 630 Linden avenue.

The Ouilmette Dancing Club will hold their first dance of the season on Saturday evening, October 3, at the Woman's Club.

The regular weekly luncheon and bridge party was given yesterday at the North Shore Golf Club.


The Woman's Catholic Club will hold its first meeting tomorrow afternoon at the Woman's club.

Mrs. W. D. Wyckoff will entertain the Comanche Card Club at her home, 1233 Elmwood avenue, this afterrnoon at 1:30 o'clock.

A social will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Copeland, 807 Ashland avenue tomorrow evening for the members and friends of the Baptist Church. The social committee of the Woman's Society of the church is in charge of the program.

A rummage sale is on the calendar of the Neighborhood circle for Thursday, October 15. It will be in charge of Mesdames Edward Scheidenhelm, [damaged] M. Millen and C. N. Roberts.

The Congregational Church of Wilmette will hold its annual meeting next Wednesday evening at 630 o'clock. A dinner, fifty cents per plate, will be served at this time, preceding the business meeting. Anyone wishing to attend must notify Mrs. A. J. Coburn, 400 Eighth street, not later than Monday. All interested in the work are welcome.

The regular business meeting of the fifth division fo the Ladies' Aid society of the Wilmette Methodist church will be held tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. Louis M. Springer, 430 Hill street.

Several of the women interested in the work of the Arden Shore club will meet at the home of Mrs. Thomas M. Knox, 519 Forest avenue, this afternoon to discuss the plans of the bazaar to be held on Nov. 2 at the Evanston Woman's Club. Mrs. O. B. Tennis of Evanston, Mrs. Beyington of Highland Park and ohters form the north shore towns will meet with them. All the north shore towns are very much interested in the benefit and each will have a table or a concession on that day. There will be a small admission fee to the clubhouse, which if paid in the afternoon will give the privilege of returning later. In both the afternoon and evening there will be dancing in the lower ballroom. Tea and sandwiches will be served. Fancy articles of various descriptions and home-made bakery goods will be for sale in the upper ballroom. A special invitation is extended to the young people and a delightful time is promised.

The Forthnightly club will be entertained at luncheon next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. H. M. Van Hoesen in Highland Park.

The annual meeting of the Wilmette Winnetka Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. I. G. Moody, 921 Greenwood avenue. The annual reports of the various superintendents proved very interesting. As this was the annual meeting, officers for the ensuing year were elected: president, Mrs. Norton of Wilnnetka; first vice-president, MRs. W. C. Armstrong, 225 Central avenue; second vice-president, Mrs. I. G. Moody, 921 Greenwood avenue; third vice-president, Mrs. M. L. Adams of Winnetka; secretary, Mrs. Jonathan Drake, 1226 Lake avenue; and treasurer, Mrs. R. L. Kirk, 1044 Forest avenue.

The Reading Circle will meet on Monday afternoon with Mrs. D. L. Taylor, 849 Michigan avenue.

On Wednesday evening, October 7, community meeting will be held at the Wilmette Woman's Club under the auspices of the Catholic Woman's Club. At this time Judge Hopkins will give a very interesting as well as instructive address, using facts gained through his own personal experiences.

Mrs. R. D. Allen was hostess on Tuesday afternoon to the No Name Sewing Club at her home, 630 Central avenue.

A truly beautiful wedding was solemnized last Friday evening when Miss Gertrude Webber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Webber, became the bride of Mr. Donald Payne, son of Mr. William Payne, the writer, at her home, 815 Forest avenue. Rev. Roy E. Bowers read the service. Miss Janet Jones attended Miss Webber as maid of honor and Mr. William Payne served his son as best man. The bride wore a gown of white charmeuse trimmed in princess lace and pearls, made with a court train. Her veil, which has been worn at several of the Payne weddings, was artistically caught with orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of lilies of te valley and yellow orchids. Since yellow was the color chosen for the wedding the costumes of the attendants naturally carried out the color scheme. MIss Katherine Crocker, one of the bridesmaids, came first, wearing a satin gown of bright gold; next came Miss Dorothy Cody, another bridesmaid, dressed in white satin with a cream chantilly lace overdrape. MIss Jones followed, gowned in white crepe de chine. All three attendants carried shower bouquets of sunburst roses. Miss Elizabeth Webber, a younger sister of the bride, and her cousin, Joseph Glover, stretched the ribbons, and two other little cousins, Altie Miller and George Glover were flower children. The home was wonderfully decorated in yellow chrysanthemums and lilies of the valley.

Miss Webber [damaged] member of the Kappa Sigma Psi sorority. After an extended wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Payne will be at thome at Paw Paw, Michigan.

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24 Sep 1914
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